Now money transfers via the UNISTREAM international system, as well as transfers into accounts, transfer into VISA cards and Master Cards issued by any bank in the world are available for the clients of 71 service outlet of FINCA Bank.

It’s possible to send money transfer from the offices of FINCA Bank to the CIS countries, Georgia, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia and Turkey, as well as to the other countries of the world. In order to send or receive money transfer, a client should approach the office of the bank with a passport.

It’s possible to send and receive cash money in the offices of FINCA Bank in Bishkek, Osh, Dzhalal-Abad, Batken, Cholpon-Ata, Talas, Naryn, as well as in many other cities and villages of Kyrgyzstan.

“After FINCA Bank’s joining us, the network of partners considerably increased”, Kirill Palchun, the Chairperson of the Management Board of the UNISTREAM Bank says.“We are glad to expand our presence in the country to provide our dear clients convenience in sending and receiving money transfers.”