The forum “Agricultural sector: HR, innovations, prospects” took place in Bishkek last week. At the forum the farmers of Kyrgyzstan discussed the issues related to the development of the agricultural business, improvement of the potential of the human resources and financing, as well as the introduction of innovations in the agricultural sector of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Ministers, the heads of programs of international organizations, acknowledged independent experts from the Kyrgyz Republic and other countries took part in the event. The principal participants of the forum were farmers, owners of greenhouses from all the regions of Kyrgyzstan, financial institutions, banking sector and suppliers of the agricultural products.

Representatives of business, public authorities and experts tried to disclose the current situation in the agricultural sector and fins the ways of improvement. The issues of import substitution, export potential, requirements and standards, soil survey agrochemical laboratory and biological laboratory, protection of domestic manufacturer have been discussed.

Besides, the participants discussed the issues of professional standards for agribusiness, inconsistency of the market requirements and the educational programs, professional internship and the study of our students in the agrarian academies of the world, potential of farmers and interaction with the scientific achievements in the agricultural sector. There were discussed the issues of insurance, hothouse crop business as a method of development of the regions, organic production and the latest global development trends.

FINCA bank aspires to realize the current needs of the agricultural sector and provide support in the development of the national agricultural production. The support of the agricultural sector is one of the ley directions of the bank’s activity.

Participants of the seminar received detailed information about the convenience of using banking products and about the financial support of the agrarians provided by FINCA Bank.